yǔzhòu, Sanya, Hainan, China light maze for Luneng Sanya Bay Light and Art Festival
《宇宙》 中国海南三亚 鲁能三亚湾光影艺术节光影迷宫
客户:鲁能三亚湾 鲁能集团 策划及组织: 北京新太立文化传播有限公司 地点:中国海南三亚鲁能三亚湾运动俱乐部
年份:2016. 12. 10 — 2017. 04. 15 摄影: www.imagensubliminal.com 状态:临时/已建成 see the video on youku / 看到优酷视频
client: Luneng Sanya Bay, Luneng Group curated + organised by: Beijing NTL Culture Communication Co., Ltd
area: Luneng Sanya Bay Sports Club, Sanya, Hainan, China year: 10 Dec 2016 – 15 April 17
photography: Miguel de Guzmán/ Rocío Romero www.imagensubliminal.com status: temporary/ built 公共灯光艺术装置
我们受托为中国海南鲁能三亚湾光影艺术节设计了这座极具代入感的灯光装置 —《宇宙》。该灯光装置包含一座迷宫,迷宫底部为三角形几何形状,上部由2.5米高的丙烯酸玻璃板构成。丙烯酸玻璃板一面粘有分光膜,分光膜将丙烯酸玻璃板变成半透明,观者在走动时会看到光线折射出彩虹的七种颜色光。每块丙烯酸玻璃板的另一面刻有特别设计的图案。图案由LED光照射,框架内部和表面上的LED灯光颜色伴有细微的变化。丙烯酸玻璃板外周装有镜子膜,由此打造出无穷无尽的内部空间,绚烂的图案灯光交错及颜色的不断变换构成了这独一无二的《宇宙》。
yǔzhòu is an immersive light installation we were commissioned for the newly created Luneng Sanya Bay Light and Art Festival in Hainan, China.
The installation consists of a maze based on a triangular geometry and built of 2,5m high panels of acrylic glass. A dichroic film glued to one side of the acrylic glass converts the panels in semi-transparent and reflects or shifts the light rays along the entire colour range of a rainbow while the spectator moves in the installation.
On the other side of each acrylic glass sheet, a specifically created pattern of grooves is mechanically carved in. The grooves are illuminated by powerful LED rails with subtly shifting colours located in the inferior and superior framework. The panels on the outer perimeter are provided with a mirror film converting the interior in an infinity room – a unique cosmos of overlapping light patterns and constantly changing colours.
publications (print media):
Interactive Installation Art & Design, Art Experience driven by technology, (China), Artpower Int Pub Co Ltd, 2021
Diseño Interior nº 318, (Spain), July 2019
New Media Installation, Technology in Public Art (China), Sandu Publishing Co Ltd, Aug 2018
Professional Lighting Design Magazine (Germany), Nº 105, March/ April 2017
Casa Viva (Mexico), Issue 84, May-June 2017
Lumínica (Spain), Issue 31, April 2017
bob (South Korea) Issue 152, Feb 2017
web radio (french): RTS (Switzerland)
*April 17..... yǔzhòu light maze is featured in the exhibition Game Changers, curated by Matheson Marcault, at Somerset House, London, United Kingdom
*July + Aug 17.... yǔzhòu light maze is installed at MixC, Chongqing, China
publications (online media/ selection)
pld-m Professional Lighting Design Magazin July 17
designboom Jan 17
designMENA (Middle East) Jan 17
谷德设计网 gooood (China) Jan 17
My Modern Met Jan 17
divisare Jan 17
Clad Jan 17
Arquitectura Viva Jan 17
EdgarGonzalez Jan 17
lightecture Jan 17
plataforma arquitectura Feb 17
WebUrbanist Jan 17
fubiz Jan 17
urdesign Jan 17
Zeutch (France) Jan 17