kiosk m.poli kiosco m.poli para mercadillos de artesanía temporales, 2006
client: Primur SA
constructor: Primur SA
area: 2m x 3m x 2,40m (height)
year: 2006
photography: miguel de guzman
project: ben busche, isabel barbas team: alonso frolich
status: 275 units sold (City of Madrid)
memoria descriptiva:
El kiosco está ideado para mercadillos y ferias temporales. No será un objeto aislado en la configuración urbana sino que formará un conjunto creando un pequeño pueblo insertado en la ciudad, un pequeño mundo aparte. El diseño está inspirado en imágenes arquetípicas: pueblo, casa, chimenea... Cerrado, el kiosco es un volumen con una cubierta a dos aguas, una casa en su mínima expresión. La escala y configuración son tan reducidas que parece de juguete, una “casa de monopoli“.
Al abrirse, el kiosco se transforma. Una parte del frente se eleva por encima de la cubierta y el kiosco adquiere una proporción mucho más vertical y llamativa: una casa con una potente chimenea.
La chimenea funciona como panel publicitario retroiluminada por la noche. Con esta transformación, cada kiosco desvela su interior, una casa llena de sorpresas, cada una distinta y de colores variados.
El exterior es de acero cortén con un dibujo floral estampado. En series futuras de fabricación se proponen otros acabados exteriores como madera o vidrio sin alterar la configuración principal del kiosco.
En diciembre de 2006, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid ha instalado 100 unidades en tres mercadillos de artesanía. Los kioscos se reutilizarán en todo tipo de ferias en laciudad en los próximos años.
short description:
The kiosk is designed to be used for temporary street markets or handicraft fairs. It isn’t thought of as an individual object, but as part of a whole that builds up a small village, a little world of its own fitted into the city. The design is based on archetypical images: town, house, chimney… When closed, the kiosk is a volume covered by a pitched roof, a house in its uttermost minimal expression. The scale and the shape are so basic that at first glance it might even be a toy, a Monopoly house.
Upon opening, the kiosk transforms. A part of its façade rotates upon the roof and the kiosk acquires a more vertical and striking proportion: that of a house with an oversized chimney. The chimney works as a great advertising board and is back-lit at night. With the transformation the kiosk reveals its inside, a house full of surprises, each one different and randomly colored.
The base and the structure are made from structural profiles and tubing of galvanized steel, while the interior flooring is from anti-slip sheet aluminum on MDF boarding. The kiosk’s opening hatch is opaque and has three changeable positions: at 0 degrees closing the kiosk, at 90 degrees sheltering the counter from rain and sun, and at 180 degrees when the kiosk is fully open.
On the inside of the hatch, there are back lit panels for advertising the individual kiosk, which becomes visible at positions from 90 degrees to 180 degrees. One can access the kiosk through adoor in the front facade next to the commerce hatch. The façade on the sides and back have no openings, damp-proofed with plates of pregalvanised lacquered steel sheeting and covered with Corten Steel plate. The pitched roof also uses the same construction.
The kiosk m.poli has been made with four different types of steel facade: naturally rusted Corten steel, polished stainless steel, matt stainless steel, steel with black lacquer finish. Throughout its development it was important that it would be an autonomous structure with everything that it needs to function independently, and to install a unit into a square does not need precise civil engineering, just a lorry, and fork-lift truck.
The kiosk moves and is transportable as a single block. In a single movement a crane can offload the kiosk from the truck and place it in its final position. Just the same, if for some reason a unit needs to be moved or changed position, it can be done quickly and easily with just a fork lift truck, or even ahand operated hydraulic jack.
More than 95% of the weight of the kiosk is from steel, in various types and forms. These materials are made from 43% recycled metals, and in terms of re-use of materials, the kiosk renders almost completely recyclable.
publications (selection)
Diseño Interior nº 318, (Spain), July 2019
Ephemeral Architecture, Promopress Editions (Spain) 2016
ecoms (Japan) Issue 37, february 2014
AV Monografías (Spain) Issue 140 ObraMínima, june 2011
move – architecture en motion (CH), Birkhäuser V., feb 2010
Materia (Italy),Issue 65 Architetture Attive, january 2010
Detail (Germany), Issue 12 Experimentelles Bauen, dec 2009
Domes (Greece) Issue 83, Vol 08/09, sept 2009
Indian Architect & Builder (India), Vol 22 (12), august 2009
CAIS (Portugal), nº 142, july 2009
amc (France), hors série lumiere, june 2009
Interni (Russia), nº 11, march 2009
Spacecraft 2 (Germany), Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2009
Arkitekten (Denmark), february 2009
Tasarim (Turkey), nº 188, february 2009
b-guided (Spain), nº 38, winter 2009
Architectural Review (UK), nº 1342, december 2008
Architectural Record (USA), nº 12, december 2008
arq./a (Portugal) arquitecturae arte, nº 63, october 2007
Arena (South Korea), august 2008
Design Quarterly (Australia), nº 30, august 2008
Detail (Spain), nº 4, april 2008
c3 (South Korea), nº 281, january 2008
domus (Italy), nº 910, january 2010
Construir (Portugal), nº 114, november 2007
Paisajes Construcción (Spain), nº 33, november 2007
Diseño Interior (Spain), nº 183, october 2007
a10magazine (EU), nº 14, march 2007
wallpaper (UK), march 2007
prizes and awards
Architect. Review Awards for Emerging Architecture 08: HM
Premio Outros Mercadus 2008, First Prize
m.poli - the movie on vimeo
and reviews in dezeen and archdaily